About Us

Pulmo Life

Pulmo Life is leading in manufacturing therapeutic solutions. We are highly specialized in therapeutic solutions, which can help improve the health of people. We provide medicine to fight against infection, cholesterol, asthma, mitigation of pain, and inflammation. Our focus is to straighten people and ensure a healthy lifestyle.


At Intra Life, our priority will be to offer qualitative service to our clients. We have been established since 1981, and we have expertise in the field of medical Indian pharmaceutical manufacturing. If you are having respiratory issues, are you not able to take a normal breath? If you are suffering from asthma, then here at Intra Life, we serve you best by providing the best inhaler to you, Which can help you take normal breaths and strengthen your respiratory system. Bilatime is an oral suspension that is a complete relief during all seasons. If you are facing regular allergic problems, then you are at the right place. We assure you about the inhaler and its effective results. It can also maintain your health.

Why is Pulmo Life the best in service?

We believe that the practice of medicine is an art, not a tree, and we are committed to offering the best healthcare services available to humanity. Pulmo Life provides a wider portfolio of 1500 formulations. We have 38 years of experience in the mental health industry. We are reliable and trust the company to provide and assure you of the distribution of medicine to treat your illness and make you super fine and healthy.


Pulmo life vision is to help our patients emerge from severe disease and illness, and our mission is to rank among the top 5 pharmaceutical players in India by 2025. We have the most innovative and expert talent across a wide range of products.

What makes us significant?

What makes a significant disorder? Medical services We provide you with 2200 products, 37 special segments, 42 years of experience, and 1750 happy customers, which is one of our landmarks in the pharmaceutical industry, but this does not make us proud of Intra-life.

Our service

Quality assurance We ensure quality service, which is the reason behind our development in the medical field. Our qualitative service brought excellence throughout our development. Strategy

Our quality and affordable service, It is combined with accessible reality, making pir service more appealing. Qualitative in the healthcare field, our major aim is to develop our products and enhance intra-life.

Strong portfolio We specialized in providing innovative medicine, and since 1980, we have assured the best qualitative section and distribution of highly effective medicine.

Packaging We provide good manufacturing practices and follow the highest standards of quality and safety in the packaging process.


We have branches in Bangalore, Kolkata, and Ghaziabad. At our available centers, you can find the most qualitative service.


We provide a wide range of product services to our clients; here at Intra Life, you can find various available options, like the cardiac range. Diabetic range. Infertility range. Derma range, nasal spray, inhaler range, Life Caps range Resuled, cardiac range, and so on. These are the most significant products of Intralife.

Intra Life Private Limited provides you with a metering dose inhaler range: Breemax-FF 200, Breemax-F 400, Viscowin-LL, and Viscowin-IIL and winkast: 250.

We provide you with the best medications that can help to sort out your breathing-related problems. What matters to us is your health. We are a landmark in the medical field, and we maintain reliability and excellence to solve these hazards by providing you with a metering dose inhaler range. You can find this inhaler to be the most effective management of Asthma and COPD.

Inhaler range Breemax -f -200, Breemax -f -400

Intra-life provides you with the best inhalers, which can increase lung functions and can also improve asthma disease. It can also control asthma and also help regulate breathing.

Viscowin-IIL, Viscowin -L When the world was suffering from pandemic disease, Intralife provided Viscowin, and we made a significant contribution during the pandemic time by providing such inhalers for patients.

Breathlessness Viscowin deemed it a perfect recommendation for them. It can help to emerge from severe diseases like asthma and COPD. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema

Winkfast. 250 Intra-life assures Winkfast is the best inhaler for asthma and COPD

Respules A respule is a small plastic container that contains liquid, which is put into a machine known as a nebulizer. This machine turns the medicine into a fine mist, which you inhale through your breath through a face mask. Pulmo-life provides you with the best respules, like Breemaxrespules. Viscowin, Bentamin, Nozolev, and Winkfast. These are the most significant responses that can give you immediate relief.

Remedies All these remedies can help maintain your breath and treat asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. Lung disorders, inflammation of mucous membranes, and a powerful mucolytic set you free from choked lungs.

Anticough We provide antics of medicine that can help patients recover from nausea and cough. We provide a wide range of cough toxins to relax your body and get relief from severe cough as well.


Intra Life is one of the leading companies in the pharmaceutical industry. We are the best manufacturer and reliable distributor. We have expertise in manufacturing therapeutic solutions, which can have a commendable impact on people's lives. Whether it is a mild or severe disease, we are here with a common solution.

We also provide you with medicine related to respiratory health and medicine to cure diabetes. We also ensure you qualitative service, and we always believe in increasing the health expectancy of our clients. Products.

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